Industrie-Baum [“Industrial Tree”], 2018
about 165×92 cm; black cardboard [Kapa] and velcro strips, collapsible and transportable in the Samsonite case, incl. “Fruit sets” of tablet strips in several colors.For industrial romantics and modern nomads for individual and season-independent design of apartment and hotel rooms.
„Hymne an die Schraube“ [“Hymn to the screw “], 2005
20×30 cm; Black glass pane; 2 screws; Plastic bracket;
Instead of flowers: wall decoration for industrial romantics and modern nomads. [not shown]
„Industrie-Mensch“ [“Industry Man”], 2016-2018
Central element: 175x 90 cm; round wooden top, covered with rubber mat; threaded screw; 4 metric screws [20 cm each]: 8 knobs; bandaged head with screws, USB ports and tubes.
7 transmitting stations: wooden discs, covered with rubber mat; yellow insect sponges, each with a screw; 7 tubes [200 cm], in it rubber cords.
Modern man lives under constant influence and is ill.
The 7 transmitting stations visualize this:
- Cellular radiation and electro-smog
- Bad and degenerate food
- Spraying with heavy metals [“Chem-Trails” are not contrails]
- Mental poisoning through manipulated news and TV junk
- Destruction of health through “medicines” and vaccines
- Bureaucratization of everyday life; stress; burn-out
- Air pollution
„Durchbruch“ [“Breakthrough”], 2018
30x30x170 cm; 2 briolet bases connected by 4 perforated plates; 4 pommels; 2 limbs hands [wood], bandaged.
The Industrial Romantic breaks through [to the Light or Industrial God etc.].